5 Day Awake | Arise | Achieve Program begins in (Morning Batch)

"ahm brahmasmi" - I am the creator of my life

Purpose of the 5 Day Program


Understand The Secrets Of The Scriptures. Learn How To Unleash Your True Potential Using These POWERFUL SECRETS

Achieve SELF MASTERY in 5 Days by investing one hour each day in the morning.

Kavita Tulsian

Manifestation Coach | Author | Healer

Limited Time Special Offer

Morning Batch (5:30 am - 6:30am) Monday to Friday

Get Whopping Bonuses Worth Rs 5000/- + 15 Popular eBook Titles FREE

Journey From Version 1.0 to Version 2.0

Ask Yourself These Questions

Be honest with yourself. No one is judging you. We all have some challenges in life. Even till now, I also face some challenges at times. But I know, how to handle it and come out of it easily and happily. I could have easily let that challenge dominate me, but I chose to come out of my comfort zone and lead my life in my choicest way. So can you… but for that you have to take a step forward and come out of your comfort zone. Ask yourself –

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Are you living a life of your dreams?

Are you happy in all the aspects of your life?

Are you enjoying your relationship with everyone – spouse, family, friends, relatives, office team, or anyone?

Are you enjoying perfect physical fitness?

Are your emotions under your control and you are living with inner peace and harmony?

Are you happy with your career and its growth trajectory?

Do you feel there is something missing in your life, even though you seem to have everything?

Do you think you have limiting beliefs which is stopping you from growing?

Do you think your fears, past trauma, anger, anxiety, stress is affecting you every day?

Do you think there are repeated patterns of failures, insults, mockery which you face?

Do you feel stuck and do not know where to start and how to start, even though you want to?

Do you have a Winning, Happy Mindset, or you keep on comparing and complaining?

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Morning Batch

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The Transformation Process

a) Identifying Clear Goals to Achieve Your Desires

b)Be Aware Of What Is Blocking Your Way

c)Clear Those Negative and Limiting Beliefs

d)Putting Your Thoughts Into Taking Massive Actions

e)Be Persistent With Your Efforts

f) Have Faith In The Teachings and Release Your Desire

g)Have A Trust Worthy Coach To Hold Your Hands And Sail You Through

ahm brahmasmi - awake |arise|achieve



This Five-Day Course would encourage you to join the journey of Self Mastery. It has deliberately been kept at a super value for money price, but its content, on the contrary is super powerful. The topics that would be discussed on each of these days are very carefully been planned by me and would be delivered in a very simple, easy to understand and interesting manner. This is suitable for people of all ages, all demographics and all geography. The language would be mostly Hindi with doses of English to make a segment of people understand it more easily.

Day 1

AHM BRAHMASMI - Basics Of Law Of Attraction

In the very first few minutes of the first day, you would understand the essence of AHM BRAHMASMI. You would be introduced to the concept of how the Universal Law of Attraction works and how it works in exact precision every time. This is completely scientific and based on Meta-Physics. The students would understand the concept of Energy and how it helps in manifestation, if it is applied in the correct format.

At the end of Day 1, you would get clarity about how to work towards achieving your burning desires in all the areas of your life, with power packed tools being introduced to you.

Day 2

AWAKE – Make Your Day Purposeful

AWAKE means to “Stop Sleeping” or “Wake up from Sleep”. This should not be taken in the literal sense. The deeper meaning behind this powerful word indicates the first step towards moving ahead in your life by waking up from the slumber. We are not aware of our “Inner Powers” with which we all are bestowed with. When we wake up to this reality, we strive to make our life more purposeful.

During this session, I would introduce you to a very powerful tool which would help you create spiritual events to achieve what you want in life.

At the end of Day 2, you will start feeling empowered and would be excited to take the first step in your journey towards achieving your goals.

Day 3

ARISE – Be the Creator Of Your Life

Arise means to “Emerge or to Come Out”. This means to emerge from a situation and take the steps to reach to a better situation. This term has been chosen in the title of the course intentionally. This is to motivate you to “Emerge out of your Comfort Zone”, and take every step to move towards your desires and goals.

I would redefine the word C-R-E-A-T-O-R which would help you become the Master Creator of your own LIFE.

By the end of Day 3, you would learn how to Create your day from the moment you wake up and at every step during the day, till the time you retire to bed at night.

Day 4

ACHIEVE – Mastery Over Mind, Body And Soul

Achieve means to “successfully bring about what you desired, by your efforts and courage.”

You will learn the secrets used by the Top 1% successful people in the world to manifest their desires related to abundance, fitness, relationship and self mastery.

You would understand how to bring that Inner Shift within you which is so important for your progress.

You would also get to understand the concept of Self Mastery through balancing the Body, Mind and Spirit.

By the end of Day 4, you will feel the difference within yourself as compared to Day 1 before you began your journey here. 

Day 5

Summary & Way Forward

On the last day of this workshop, you will be given an experience which will simply mind blowing.

Knowledge without application remains just knowledge and one does not get the desired result.

To help you become the Master Creator of your Dream Life, I would guide you towards the way forward where you would become the Master Creator of your Life for the entire lifetime.


What Can You Expect From These 5 Days Workshop?

Walk Out of This Powerful Law OF Attraction 5 Days LIVE Workshop Understanding –

AHM BRAHMASMI – The Secret Which Was Hiddent In The Scriptures For Centuries Is Now Unveiled And Explained.

The Science Of Law Of Attraction – Why And How It Works?

AWAKE | ARISE | ACHIEVE – The Deeper Meaning Which Helps You Become Successful In All Aspects Of Your Life.

What Are The Different Law Of Attraction Manifestation Techniques?

Learn How To Align Body – Mind – Spirit To Achieve Success In Your Business/Career | Relationship | Health/Fitness | Finances

Learn And Master The Powerful Manifestation Techniques Like

  • Intention Setting – Learn To Send Energy To Your Desired Goal On A Daily Basis, Thus Increasing Their Success Rate.
  • Practicing Silence – Learn To Receive & Recognize Signals From The Universe By Being In The State Of Silence.
  • Releasing Negative Blocks – These Are Those Energy Blocks In Your Life Which Are Holding You Tightly And Stopping You To Move Forward, Whatever You Do. You Try To Become Successful In Something, But Success Is Still Elusive No Matter How Hard You Try.
  • How To Write And Affirm Scientifically – Everyone Knows About Affirmations But Very Few Know The Science Behind It. In Fact, It May Give Anti-Results If Not Written In The Scientific Manner, Which Would Be Taught In This Workshop.
  • How To Transform Energy With Gratitude Technique -Most People Think Gratitude To Be A Mere Thank Yo, Which Is Actually Only 10% Of What Gratitude Is, Which Would Be Covered In The Workshop.
  • How To Become More Productive And Confident – With Various Tools And Techniques, You Would Be Equipped To Handle Your Life Confidently And Achieve Success Easily.
  • Omitting Non Desired Elements To Help Manifestation – This One Tool In Itself Has The Capability To Create Miracles In Your Life. Equip Yourself With This Tool.
  • How To Recreate Your Desired Life – With The Secrets of “AHM BRAHMASI”, You Would Be Able To Design Your Life Your Way.
  • Self Mastery Of Body, Mind And Spirit – This Is Most Important For Achieving Success In Any Aspect Of Your Life. Learn The Perfect Way For Self Mastery Over These.
  • Live The Life Of Your Purpose – Everyone Has Been Born With A Larger Purpose In Life. Learn To Discover Your Purpose And How You Can Come Closer To Achieve This.

By The End Of This Workshop, You Will Come Out As A Powerful CREATOR Of Your Life.

live workshops, bootcamps & seminars




hear from the horse's mouth

Who Should Join This Program?


The students would greatly be benefited by this program as they would be able to have better understanding of Law of Attraction and can use it for their desired goals.


For those who are looking to scale up their professional career and perfect their work-life balance.


For those who wants to uprise their income graphs and make their personal life more enjoyable.


For those who wants to manage home chores effectively with calmer and happier life and also explore the potential within them.


At Sub-conscious Level

It will help you release limiting beliefs and programming about Health, Wealth and Relationship. You will also get Power Packed Tools and Result Oriented Tasks to instill new positive patterns and behaviour at your Sub-Conscious Level.

At Conscious Level

This Program will help you create desired goals and work for them till you actually manifest them in your life. Learn the correct way to use the various tools and techniques of law of Attraction and have a right mindset.


Hi! I am Kavita Tulsian.

I am a Life Manifestation Coach, a Healer, A Law of Attraction Coach and an Author of three Best-Seller Self Help Books titled – ‘I Am Enough’, ‘Together We Rock’ and ‘Hold My Hands’. I had a glorious career as a reputed fashion designer having FDCI Membership and created a lot of goodwill for myself during the first 10 years of my career. I earned a lot of name, fame and money in the process, but somewhere deep within, I was not a happy person. The business demanded a lot from me and it took some toll on my physical fitness and my relationships with many people also got affected. One fine day, I took the industry by surprise when I called it ‘Quits’ from this industry.

I was searching for something beyond what I had achieved…something which would make me happy, peaceful, loving, having perfectly fit body and enjoying life. I came across Pranic Healing and joined the school. My journey to Spirituality and Self Transformation had just begun. This was year 2010. Since then, I kept moving forward seeking more and more wisdom of the Universal Laws and the way they work in exact precision. I completed almost all courses in Pranic Healing (Manila) and became Arhatic Yogi. I joined various other schools and did Graphology, Past Life Therapy, Angel Therapy, Tarot Card Reading and also did my Diploma in Counselling. Then I joined ‘Heal Your Life’ Courses (USA) and became a Trainer in the same. Finally, I dedicated myself to the Law of Attraction. My soul was like a dry sponge and was soaking all the wisdom which it was gathering all this while. I have been extremely fortunate to be a student of many world famous Spiritual Teachers and Leaders across the globe.

My whole life started changing. My fitness started getting better. I started living a happier and more fulfilling life. At the same time, I started helping people in improving their lives in any aspect, be it their Health situation, Finance challenges, Career issues, Relationship challenges or any other aspect which normally a human has. People to whom I was providing solutions, started getting huge results and started appreciating me. This encouraged me to take this as my career since my hunger to serve more people became my top most priority. I immediately knew, this was my soul calling which I was seeking.

After 12 years of my journey till now, my own life has transformed and I have transformed thousands of lives. My day starts with notes of gratitude which I receive from my students and those who benefitted from my courses, treatments and guidance. My day ends with my Gratitude to the benevolent Universe who has bestowed its kindest of blessings and love upon me.




I am on a Mission!

Mission to help men and women transform themselves from Version 1.0 to Version 2.0 and live a life of their dreams with dignity, love and self esteem.

Mission to help them achieve their goals related to Fitness, Relationship, Career, Wealth Creation and in any other areas of their life which they can think of.

Mission to bring Joy, Happiness, Love, Financial Freedom, Huge Abundance & Prosperity, Perfect Fitness (physical, emotional or mental), Spiritual Evolution to millions of lives who are desperately seeking them.

Mission to make ordinary people – extraordinary.

Mission to help one million people to live a life of their dreams.


The 12 Years of my Spiritual Journey made me come closer to the Society and I could peep deeper into the reality. I could see the pain behind the smiling faces or the brave faces. People were seeking for some help everywhere, in various aspects of life. If someone was having huge abundance, they were struggling with either health issues or their relationships have gone for a toss. Where there was perfect fitness, people were struggling to achieve their financial goals, and so on. Challenges were there, everywhere. The voice deep within me was telling me loud and clear – “KAVITA, YOU ARE NEEDED HERE”. I just followed this voice. I knew, I was meant to bring a change. So, here I AM.

A Vision Board, also known as a dream board, is a collage of images, words, and affirmations that serve as a visual representation of one’s goals, aspirations, and dreams. It’s created to help focus the mind and encourage motivation towards achieving specific personal and professional objectives. The idea behind a vision board is to make your goals and desires tangible by displaying them in a prominent place where they can be constantly seen, reminding you of what you want to achieve and helping to keep you motivated and inspired. Through a video and showing you plenty of examples of different types of Vision Boards, Kavita will explain you the importance of the Vision Board, some Vision Board Ideas, How to make them and the manifestation of your goals through Vision Board in your life.

Super Powerful Affirmations” is an ebook designed to help readers transform their lives by harnessing the power of positive affirmations to achieve personal and professional growth. Kavita is serving Readymade Affirmations on the platter and they are on various aspects of life, such as Wealth, Health, Relationship, Finance and Happiness. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced practitioner, this ebook will help you tap into the power of positive affirmations to create a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

The self-help book “I Am Enough” authored by Kavita Tulsian is a valuable bonus that can greatly enhance your personal growth and well-being. By reading this book, you will learn how to cultivate a deep sense of self-worth and self-love, and how to overcome feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. The book “I Am Enough” would strengthen your concepts of Improved Self-Esteem, Overcoming Insecurity, Increased Self-Acceptance, More Joy and Happiness and Improved Relationships. By reading “I Am Enough”, you will gain valuable insights and practical tools for building a strong sense of self-worth and self-love, and for overcoming feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your life and experience greater happiness and fulfillment!

30 Days of Powerful eFlash Cards on Manifestation” is an exciting bonus designed to help readers harness the power of the Law of Attraction and transform their lives. Each day for the next 30 days, you will receive a new eFlash Card on your Whatsapp / Email containing a powerful affirmation related to the Law of Attraction.

These eFlash Cards are easy to use and can be accessed from your phone, tablet, or computer. They are designed to help you focus on your goals and desires, and to keep the Law of Attraction at the forefront of your mind.

With “30 Days of Powerful eFlash Cards on Manifestation,” you will learn how to manifest your dreams and desires, improve your relationships, attract abundance, and experience inner peace and happiness. Start your journey towards a more fulfilling life today!

Joining the Lifelong Facebook Community of students of the Law of Attraction course is a valuable bonus that offers a wealth of benefits. By becoming a member, you will have access to a supportive community of like-minded individuals who are all working to transform their lives through the power of the Law of Attraction. The benefits of joining the community are many such as Access to Expert Mentorship, Peer Support, Networking Opportunities, Ongoing Inspiration and Access to Exclusive Resources. Don’t miss this opportunity to be a part of a supportive and inspiring community!

Joining the WhatsApp Community of students of the Law of Attraction course is a valuable bonus that offers several benefits. By becoming a member, you will be part of a supportive and dynamic community of individuals who are all working to transform their lives through the power of the Law of Attraction. Here are some of the benefits of joining the community, such as Support, Peer Connections, Daily Inspiration, Group Discussions, Access to Exclusive Resources. By joining the WhatsApp Community of students of the Law of Attraction course, you will have access to a wealth of resources and support that will help you to achieve your goals and live the life you’ve always dreamed of. Grab this wonderful opportunity to be a part of a supportive and inspiring community!

These Access to my personal Whatsapp Community in itself is worth many times the price of the course. You will get very valuable ideas and tips in these forums. Many of your queries will also be answered here and there will be guidance all through.

The course starts on Monday and runs till Friday of the same week or Saturday, in case of any Holidays during the week :-

5:30 to 6:30 am

While Registering for the course, please check when your selected timing course is going to begin.

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Limited Time Special Offer

Morning Batch

Get Whopping Bonuses Worth Rs 5000/- + 15 Popular eBook Titles FREE








Limited Time Special Offer

Morning Batch

Get Whopping Bonuses Worth Rs 5000/- + 15 Popular eBook Titles FREE

frequently asked questions

Who is this 5 Day Program for?

This program is for all the people of any age above 16 years, who are desirous of experiencing success in health, wealth, career and relationships.

What time will the workshop start?

The morning batch starts at 5.30 AM (Monday to Friday). It is preferred that you wake up early and get ready for the class. 
Evening batch starts at 4.00 PM (Monday to Friday). Please login before the workshop starts.

How do I join your 5 Day Program?

You will be added to an exclusive WhatsApp group within 24-48 hours and there you will get a zoom link there to join the sessions.

Do I need to bring anything?

Be an empty cup. Be ready to receive. These teachings may initially be a little challenging to accept and believe in the beginning for some people, but at the end, it is results which speak. Just have Faith in these Universal Laws and Teachings. Carry a pen, a notebook and keep some water at disposal.


This Bootcamp Program is designed to get you your desired results based on your commitment level. Hence, in the absence of any results, neither Kavita Tulsian nor any of the members in her team can be held responsible in whichsoever way.

This is NOT an Early Rising Program

The 5 Day AHM BRAHMASMI – ARISE | AWAKEN | ACHIEVE Program is a LIVE program taken ONLINE by Kavita Tulsian

The Program starts on Monday and ends on Friday – with one hour everyday starting 5:30AM.

This Bootcamp is conducted LIVE and is not pre-recorded.

No Recordings will be provided to anyone for any of the classes missed out.

This program does not guarantee any results. Success stories of others are commensurate to their efforts and tasks completed by them to achieve their results. But the results till now have been most amazing which are self evident from the success stories of the students who have benefitted tremendously from this course.

Students are expected to take consistent action and complete the tasks provided everyday to proceed with the next day classes.

Students missing out on classes or not doing the tasks in accordance, may get mixed success results.

No Refunds or Credits shall be provided, nor any Substitutes shall be allowed to attend the classes.

No Shifting of Batches shall be allowed.

Students are expected to keep their cameras on during the class to get the best results. Many a times, it has been observed that the students are not keeping their cameras ON and are not participating in any activities during the entire course. 



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